Privacy Policy
My basic privacy policy is simple: I will never sell or give your personal information to any other company. You can browse and book on my website secure in the knowledge that any information you submit to me will stay with me.
Collection of Information
When you browse my website, you do so anonymously. I do not collect or track any personally identifiable information about you when you browse my site. The only personal information I collect is the information you voluntarily submit when booking an appointment. I request only the information I need in order to secure your appointment, charge your credit card and contact you in case of any questions about your appointment.
Use of Information
Any customer information gathered for Shanelle Squire by this site will be used only by Shanelle Squire and will not be released to outside parties for use on other websites or publications.
I reserve the right to use customer information for my own internal promotion or sales purposes.
Use of Cookies
My website uses cookies to track your booking as you progress through my site. A cookie is a small string of text that a website sends to your browser. My cookies do not store any personal information about you or communicate any information about you to any other websites.